Sunday, December 28, 2008

Jesus Love Me

  1. Jesus loves me! This I know,
    For the Bible tells me so;
    Little ones to Him belong;
    They are weak, but He is strong.
    • Refrain:
      Yes, Jesus loves me!
      Yes, Jesus loves me!
      Yes, Jesus loves me!
      The Bible tells me so.
  2. Jesus loves me! This I know,
    As He loved so long ago,
    Taking children on His knee,
    Saying, “Let them come to Me.”
  3. Jesus loves me still today,
    Walking with me on my way,
    Wanting as a friend to give
    Light and love to all who live.
  4. Jesus loves me! He who died
    Heaven’s gate to open wide;
    He will wash away my sin,
    Let His little child come in.
  5. Jesus loves me! He will stay
    Close beside me all the way;
    Thou hast bled and died for me,
    I will henceforth live for Thee.

Ho - Ho - Ho - Hosanna

Ho - ho - ho - hosanna

Ha - ha - hallelujah
He - He - He - He - saved me
I've got the joy of the Lord

I've got the joy, you've got the joy
We've got the joy of Jesus
I've got the joy, you've got the joy
We've got the joy of the Lord

Hallelujah, Praise Ye The Lord

Hallelu, hallelu, hallelu, 

hallelujah! Praise ye the Lord!

Praise ye the Lord, Hallelujah.
Praise ye the Lord, Hallelujah.
Praise ye the Lord, Hallelujah.
Praise ye the Lord!

I Am So Glad

I am so glad that Jesus saved us
Jesus saved us, Jesus saved us

I am so glad that Jesus saved us
He loves us all so much.

I am so glad God gave me your Daddy
God gave me your Daddy, God gave me your Daddy
I am so glad God gave me your Daddy
He's made my life so happy.

I am so glad God gave us Noelle
God gave us Noelle, God gave us Noelle
I am so glad God gave us Noelle
She is our little Belle.

I am so glad God gave us David
God gave us David, God gave us David
I am so glad God gave us David
The son we so long for waited.

I am so glad God gave us Joshua
God gave us Joshua, God gave us Joshua
I am so glad God gave us Joshua
Another son, oh hallelujia.

I am so glad God gave us Christopher
God gave us Christopher, God gave us Christopher
I am so glad God gave us Christopher
He will be a special helper. 

Now It's Time To Go To Sleep

Now it's time to go to sleep,
Close your eyes and dream so sweet,

Dream of me and dream of Daddy,
And dream of Noelle, David, Joshua and Christopher, too.

And dream of our friend the ocean blue,

Splashing in its waves and running with the wind,
And dream of walking on the seashore,
Looking for seashells we can find.
Now it's time to go to sleep
Close your eyes and dream so sweet

Dream of me and dream of Daddy
And dream of Noelle, David, Joshua and Christopher, too.

And dream of nature with its pleasant view,

Walking through the trees so high,
And dream of listening to the whispering wind,
Let’s see what animals we can spy.

Now it's time to go to sleep

Close your eyes and dream so sweet
Dream of me and dream of Daddy
And dream of Noelle, David, Joshua and Christopher, too.

~Originally written December, 2000

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'm In A Hurry

I'm in a hurry to get things done
Oh, I rush and rush until life's no fun
All I really need to do is live and die
But I'm in a hurry and don't know why.
~ Chorus lyrics of "I'm in a hurry (and don't know why)" by Alabama

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Signs of the Times

"...You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky. How is it that you don't know how to interpret this present time?
Why don't you judge for yourselves what is right?"
~ Luke 12:56b - 57 (NIV)
(Revised 11/8/08)

One morning as Dave and I finished our devotions, he shared with me a news brief he'd heard on the radio the night before. The speaker on the program was relating his trip to a German concentration camp, where there hung a faded and weather worn wreath, along with a plaque that stated something like, 'An apology from all the Christians to the Jews - "Forgive us for not standing up for what we knew to be right".' He also told of a pastor who stood up to Hitler when he was first in office, during an address to the churches of the time, announcing his intentions for a united church. This pastor spoke with words something like, "If it is God's will, the churches will unite, God is in control of all things." Hitler's response was, "There is no room for God here. I am in control here." Many of the other pastors took the outspoken pastor and removed him from the premises saying, "Shush, don't make him mad."
I saw my Dad many times stand up for what was right - whether it was in family disputes about religion, neighborhood squabbles or supporting his co-workers. It was his righteous anger about such things that inspired me to be outspoken. It's always been tucked deep inside me, but has gradually been seeping to the surface over the last ten years, much to many other's chagrin. I am proud of the example my Dad was to me, especially in church, where he could see the need for the congregation to support the pastor, to support each other and the children. The greatest example was in the home, where he made every day a mission to help me see God in every situation.
Election night, I needed to hear my Dad's voice - memories of years past flooded my mind, as the tradition had always been on election night, to gather round the table or in the front room and gab while the polls were coming in, and discuss how God's hand was moving our nation in the direction of His choosing as He placed them in positions of leadership. I always came away from that night with a mental tally of pros and cons, and a deeper understanding of how to pray for our national leaders.
Dave is very similar in his habits as my Dad, encouraging me to continue to stand up for what I believe, regardless of the condemnation that inevitably ensues from every direction and every source. He is also like my Dad in the sense that he is very keen on politics, he follows it closely, and he protects me from the hot subjects that disturb me. He even roused from his sleep to determine who had won the polls, and sought me in the kids' room while reading their Bible story and announced that we must pray.
We had been praying throughout this whole election campaign, and it's not over now. It's only just begun. Dave and I, like my Mom and Dad, feel like castaways on a foreign island, where our beliefs appear to be camouflaged in the throng of modern society.
May God have mercy on this dear nation that has forgotten her first love.
"...I hold this against you: You have forgotten your first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first."

~ Revelation 2:4b - 5 (NIV)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

To Train A Child

"God is wonderful about developing our gifts according to His own schedule for our lives.
He knows which are the years when there is no substitute for parenting.
It's the job that must be done then, not later."
~ Anne Ortlund (
from her book, "Children Are Wet Cement")

This quote really jumped off the page today, after all that I've been going through in my life here at home with my children and my husband's health, abroad with my family and relatives, and my friends.

In a movie I once heard a widow describe his life by using the term that activity suggests a life. That waves red flags at me. When life gets too busy, children begin looking to others for guidance and entertainment. It is a challenge to keep a watchful eye on each child to promote the proper influence. But I have found just ten minutes with each child lasts a whole week - but to smother them and overprotect them can actually send them packing as well.

Proverbs says to train a child in the way he should go, and when he is grown he will remember it. I find that this is the case with myself, and I value the effort my parents put into my life, coaching me in my journey to adulthood. It has contributed to my character as a mother.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Joshua Fought the Battle At Jericho

Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho
Joshua fought the battle of Jericho
and the walls came a-tumbling down
You may talk about your men of Gideon
You may talk about the men of Saul
But there's none like good old Joshua
at the battle of Jericho (that mornin')

Up to the walls of Jericho
They marched with spears in hand
"Come blow them ram horns," Joshua said
"'Cause the battle is in our hands."

Then the lamb ram sheep horns began to blow
The trumpets began to sound
Joshua commanded the children to shout
and the walls came a-tumblin' down (that mornin')

Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho
Joshua fought the battle of Jericho
and the walls came a-tumbling down

Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho
Joshua fought the battle of Jericho
and the walls came a-tumbling down

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Changing and Growing

God uses our carnality to draw us closer to Himself.
~ Chip Ingram

This is one of many encouraging statements from Chip, that reassures me that it's okay to be me - God is still in control - especially when I lose it. Scripture in Romans 8 tells us that all things work together for good to those that love God, and also that nothing can separate us from God. Elsewhere in the New Testament is says that God uses evil for good - He uses it to develop our character into a reflection of His Son. He uses the frustrations of humanity to drive us to our knees which drives us to His throne, where we find pardon and acceptance, and hear the words, go and sin no more.

Monday, July 28, 2008


J-O-S-H-U-A that spells Joshua.
J-O-S-H-U-A that spells Joshua.

We were waiting so long,
We're singing this song,
Now you've finally come along.

J-O-S-H-U-A that spells Joshua.
J-O-S-H-U-A that spells Joshua.
Your Mom and Dad love you,
Bother and Sister too.
You're really special to us, God sent you to us, we really love you.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


 “The Master prefers to refine by fire, and there is no fire in simulations."
~ Angel Wars

The Old Testament talks of scraping the dross from molten metals to enhance its purity. The Book of Hebrews talks of the Father disciplining the son He loves. It's one thing to read this and know it, but it's another thing to experience it and be changed by it.


by Kirk Franklin’s God’s Property Choir

[Kirk]: For those of you that think gospel music has gone to far.
You think we got too radical with our message.
Well I got news for you , you ain't heard nothin yet,
and if you don't know now you know. Glory, Glory!!
[GP Choir:] Lately I've been going through some things that really got me down.
I need someone somebody to help me come and turn my life around.
I can't explain, I can't obtain it.
Jesus your love is so, it's so amazing.
It gets me high up to the sky, and when I think about your goodness it makes me wanna stomp.
Makes me clap my hands. Makes me wanna dance and stomp.
My brother can't you see I got the victory. STOMP!!!
[Kirk]: When I think about the goodness and fullness of God,
makes me thankful pity the hateful I'm grateful.
The Lord brought me through this far,
trying to be cute when I praise him raise him high.
I keep the live beat bumping. Keep it jumping make the Lord feel something.
Ain't no shame in my game God's Property. Kickin' it wit Kirk ain't no stoppin' me.
UH stomp
[Kirk:] GP are you wit me?
[GP:] oh yeah we having church we ain't going nowhere.
[GP Choir:] stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp
I promise the stomp, the whole stomp, nothin but the stomp
[Kirk:] It ain't over. It ain't over

More Than I Can Bear

by Kirk Franklin’s God’s Property Choir

I've gone through the fire
And I've been through the flood
I've been broken into pieces
Seen lightin flashin from above
But through it all I remember
That He loves me and He cares
And He'll never put more on me
Than I can bear
I've gone through the fire
And I've been through the flood
I've been broken into pieces
Seen lightin flashin from above
But through it all I remember
That He loves me and He cares
And He'll never put more on me
Than I can bear
No, He'll never put more one me
I said never, put more on me
Uh, uh, never, put more on me
His word said He won't
I believe it
I receive it
I claim it
.It's mine!
No, He'll never put more on me
Than I can bear!

Thursday, February 28, 2008


My little Christopher,

Has the sweetest smile,
My little Christopher,
Has the cutest nose,
My little Christopher,
Has the bluest eyes,
But most of all,
I love your smile.

My little Christopher,
Has the sweetest voice,
My little Christopher,
Has the cutest laugh,
My little Christopher,
Has the funniest ears,
But most of all,
I love your smile.

Every day you make me smile,
You make me laugh,
It's all worthwhile,
And every day I love you more,
With each passing mile.

My little Christopher,
Has the sweetest smile,
My little Christopher,
Has the cutest nose,
My little Christopher,
Has the bluest eyes,
But most of all,
I love your smile.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Only a Boy Named David

Only a boy named David, only a little sling,

only a boy named David, but he could pray and sing.
Only a boy named David, only a rippling brook,
only a boy named David, but five little stones he took.

And one little stone went in the sling, 
and the sling went round and round.
And one little stone went in the sling,
and the sling went round and round,
and round and round and round and round,
and round and round and round.
And one little stone went up in the air,
and the giant came tumbling down.

Little David Play On Your Harp

Little David play on your harp 

Hallelu, hallelu 
Little David play on your harp 

Little David play on your harp 
Hallelu, hallelu 
Little David play on your harp 

Little David was a shepherd boy, 
He killed Goliath and he shouted for joy. 
Little David was a shepherd boy, 
He killed Goliath and he shouted for joy. 

Little David play on your harp 
Hallelu, hallelu 
Little David play on your harp 

Joshua was the son of Nun 
He never quit till his work was done 
Joshua was the son of Nun 
He never quit till his work was done 

Little David play on your harp 
Hallelu, hallelu 
Little David play on your harp 

Once In Royal David's City

Once in royal David's city,
Stood a lowly cattle shed,
Where a mother laid her baby
In a manger for His bed:
Mary was that mother mild,
Jesus Christ her little child.

He came down to earth from heaven,
Who is God and Lord of all,
And His shelter was a stable,
And His cradle was a stall;
With the poor and meek and lowly,
Lived on earth our Savior holy.

And through all
His wondrous childhood,
He would honor and obey,
Love and watch the lowly mother,
In whose gentle arms He lay.
Christian children all should be,
Mild, obedient, good as He.

For He is our child-hood's pattern,
Day by day like us He grew,
He was little, weak, and helpless,
Tears and smiles like us He knew,
And He feeleth for our sadness,
And He shareth in our gladness.

And our eyes at last shall see Him,
Through His own redeeming love;
For that child so dear and gentle,
Is our Lord in heaven above,
And He leads His children on,
To the place where He is gone.

Not in that poor lowly stable,
With the oxen standing by,
We shall see Him, but in heaven,
Set at God's right hand on high;
When like stars
His children crowned,
All in white shall be around.

Baby Blue

Itty-bitty, little-bitty baby blue
Don't you know it's time to go to sleep

Won't you close your eyes and dream, dream, dream
Time to close your eyes and go to sleep.

Dream of your Mama and your Daddy too
Dream of Noelle, David, Joshua and Christopher, too
Dream where everything is blue, blue, blue,
Dream of driving on the train, woo-hoo-hoo.

Itty-bitty, little-bitty baby blue
Don't you know it's time to go to sleep
Won't you close your eyes and dream, dream, dream
Time to close your eyes and go to sleep.

Dream of Jesus and hear His voice,

Dream  of all the things that make boys, boys,

Dream of your toys and all of your joys
But right now it's time to stop the noise.

Itty-bitty, little-bitty baby blue
Don't you know it's time to go to sleep
Won't you close your eyes and dream, dream, dream
Time to close your eyes and go to sleep.