Friday, August 21, 2009

Expect the Unexpected

"Have no expectations of others - only yourself.
That way you can only blame yourself when things don't go as expected."
Every time Dave says this to me, I'm reminded of the scripture in the Book of Proverbs that says, trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path. This is an area of weakness for me, and I have recently learned it stems from pride. When I feel out of control, the last thing I think of doing is letting go and letting God take over. I thrash around trying to tighten my grip, only to have it yanked away from me. This has to do with the trusting part of faith, and the will-power to do what is right. Scripture says in the Book of James, that to know to do good and not do it, is sin. So I can't be worrying about everyone and everything else. Scripture says in the Book of Matthew that there is enough trouble in one day, so I shouldn't worry. Scripture in James also says worrying gives way to anger and anger, if not controlled, gives way to sin. Sin unrepented leads to death - a calloused heart both spiritually and physically.