INTERVIEWER: "What would you like to share about yourself, Sherry?"

INTERVIEWER: "What would you like to share about your husband?"
SHERRY: "We met at work, and worked together for four months before we were really "aware" of each other. It was during a staff movie night that he caught my attention. He resembled an actor from one of my favorite movies, "Never Cry Wolf". I couldn't get over it, and though I tried to hide that I was staring at him, I wasn't successful and I made him uncomfortable. Later on, we had a discussion on anxiety. He paraphrased from the Bible that "God is not a god of fear, but a god of peace", and I made a note to look that up when I had time. A week later, I invited Dave to a staff party, and was thrilled when he showed up along with some of his friends. At first, it was obvious that he was really uncomfortable. But something caused me to just focus on him and let my roommates tend to the other guests. Dave and I talked for 2 hours, non-stop, oblivious to what was happening around us. The next morning, our conversation continued and resulted in a walk on the beach. It was a stormy day, my favorite weather. I couldn't keep my exhilaration to myself. I bounded up and down the beach, waving my arms in the wind, leaping like a kite in the wind. Several times, I saw Dave trying not to laugh at me, but I didn't care. The ocean always stirred something deep within me, and I felt free to be myself in front of Dave. At some point, we sat on a log and talked for nearly an hour about our perspectives on faith. When I shared that I could see, hear and feel the power of God in the ocean, Dave seemed to be struck as though he'd never thought about it before. The next time we went for a walk on the beach, it was a beautiful sunny day. We were in the deep sand, and I reached out to balance myself, and Dave offered his arm like a gentleman. I put my hand around his arm, and couldn't help but exclaim at how strong he was. With embarrassment, I looked up at him to see him grinning. He stopped at a log and encouraged me to sit, then he took my hand and stated matter-of-factly that he would like to court me. I was a flood of emotions, and could only blubber incoherently and nod my head, with the widest grin on my face that literally made my cheeks hurt. It was then that he told me that our first walk on that stormy day caught his attention. He said the wind spoke to him, that I was "Woman of the Wind". He proceeded to tell me that in Native American custom, that was a time to follow one's hunch. I couldn't help but cry. He had seen into the deepest part of my heart, a place that had been fiercely guarded by walls of ice. Only God could have melted my heart so that this man could love it.
INTERVIEWER: "What would you like to share about how that moment changed your life?"
SHERRY: "Many times I've felt adrift at sea, with no wind to guide me in the sadness of struggle, as I've endured many hardships. But with Dave, I found my purpose. Along the way, the winds of life have picked me up and gently urged me onward to happiness, despite the hardships I've faced. We began dating after knowing each other for four months. We were engaged after two months, and married four months later. There were factors about our relationship that we knew would be a challenge even before we became engaged. But we believed we could face them together. Throughout the years, God has spoken to me in the darkest storms, when I am at the deepest despair, and He has lifted me and filled me with life and hope, with delight and a morning song that helps me dance like the eagle on the winds of change."
INTERVIEWER: "What would you like to share about your relationship?"
SHERRY: "While we were dating, we began meeting every morning for devotions before we started our work day. It has been the biggest challenge of our relationship. We've struggled to relate to each other's perspectives and staying true to our convictions. But persistence has always won out in the end, and we've been so blessed by spending that time together. It has built the bonds that were strong enough to carry us through some very difficult miles in our marriage. We've read so many scriptures that have meaning to us individually, and several that speak to us as a couple. But there are only a handful that speak to us about each other, and one that spoke to Dave about me was Proverbs 2:1-6 "My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding, and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God. For the LORD gives wisdom, and from His mouth come knowledge and understanding." When I am at my lowest and feel as though the entire world is against me, Dave reminds me of this passage and revives that connection between myself and my Savior. Dave is my spirit guide, the wolf that found me in the midst of the storm.