Friday, May 31, 2013

Perspectives on Parenting - III


The closest example resembling this method of teaching laid out for us in Deuteronomy 6, was known as the apprenticeship.  And the founders of this country carried forth this tradition.  According to Wikipedia, "The system of apprenticeship first developed in the later Middle Ages and came to be supervised by craft guilds and town governments. A master craftsman was entitled to employ young people as an inexpensive form of labour in exchange for providing food, lodging and formal training in the craft. Most apprentices were males, but female apprentices were found in crafts such as seamstress, tailor, cordwainer, baker and stationer. Apprentices usually began at ten to fifteen years of age, and would live in the master craftsman's household. Most apprentices aspired to becoming master craftsmen themselves on completion of their contract (usually a term of seven years), but some would spend time as a journeyman and a significant proportion would never acquire their own workshop.."  But notice, that even in this, the child is sent away to live with a mentor, so the child is still not learning from the parent.  Consequently, this often resulted in friction between parent and child, even among siblings, because the situation was either perceived as favoritism or punishment.

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