Friday, May 31, 2013

Perspectives on Parenting - IV


The problem with sending our children away to be taught by anyone other than their parents just cultivates the carnal competitive nature, drawing out and endorsing bullying by casting negative attention on character weakness and rewarding character strength.  If left unchecked, this can lead to discord - where family members can no longer tolerate each other.  They begin to isolate themselves, and eventually live only for themselves.

Not unlike an animal in the wild, their only thought is survival - though in human terms it is called success.  Instead of serving others with the talents and skills they've cultivated, they hoard these to themselves, using them to put themselves higher and higher on the food chain, until they are so successful that no one can touch them - not even their families.  It's not hard to find examples of this - just pick up a tabloid in the check stands, and it is obvious what the world is addicted to: the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life, as described by Jesus' disciple John, in 1 John 1.

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