Thursday, August 29, 2013

She Is Discerning

Discernment enables us to perceive the difference between bondage and emancipation.

According to Thompson’s Chain Reference

·         Paraphrase of Thompson’s commentary.
o   Personal observations of how this applies to the Christian woman today.

Matthew 15:1 

  • The Christian woman does not merely take information at face value – she studies the motives and meanings within and behind the information.
o   In our service to others, us women need to make sure our mind are not  consumed with daydreams and fantasies… we need to be alert to our surroundings and the happenings around us so that we are prepared for whatever we need to do.

Matthew 16:5-12 

  • The Christian woman is familiar with the “art” of speech, and is careful not to become ensnared in any unseen trap.
o   In our service to others, us women need to watch out for the people that like to hear themselves talk, especially those who know “big” words.  We don’t want to get caught in that trap and make others feel uncomfortable or intimidated by our knowledge.

Luke 9:37-45

  • The Christian woman’s faith is strong enough to carry her through circumstances and situations that are beyond her understanding, enabling her to simply accept what happens.
o   In our service to others, us women need to trust that God knows what He is doing.  When we find ourselves overwhelmed by all the commotion in our life, we need to just ponder everything in our heart and take it to the Lord in prayer – not burdening our family or friends with our uncertainties and shortcomings.

Luke 18:31-34

  • The Christian woman is careful when she sees and hears of things happening in the world that she doesn’t understand, not to formulate opinions based on speculation.  She will simply trust that God knows all things and is in control of all things.
o   In our service to others, us women need to remember that Jesus said that it is not for anyone to know the hour and manner in which things are to occur.  We must be willing to leave that in God’s capable hands, Who brings things about by His own authority (Acts 1).

Luke 24:13-35 

  • The Christian woman does not scoff at the incredible, nor does she mock the impossible.
o   In our service to others, us women need to live by the simple motto, “If the Bible says so, then it is”.  It is not right for us not to believe simply because we don’t understand, and it is not right for us to be frustrated with others who cannot understand because their beliefs are different from ours.

John 14:7-14

  • The Christian woman recognizes that she doesn’t always have to “witness” Christ to others,  but makes sure that others can “see” Christ in her just by observing her lifestyle.
    • In our service to others, us women will be blessed when living our life rightly, others see Christ in our life.

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Psalm 19:14 "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer." ~ NIV