Sunday, September 29, 2013

She Is Authentic

Sincere devotion to God is evidence of the emancipation of woman,
witnessed through her devotion to others, empowerd by her assurance
of Salvation and the confidence of God’s blessing.

According to Thompson’s Chain Reference

·         Paraphrase of Thompson’s commentary.
o   Personal observations of how this applies to the Christian woman today.

Isaiah 58:1-14

  • The Christian woman doesn’t just go through the motions to “look” like a Christian – she “lives” like a Chrisitan.
o   In our service to others, us women should live our lives with the godly principle that “the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever”.  As long as we are making God our priority every morning and every night, God will enable us to live like a Christian every day.  If we place anything between ourselves and God in our morning or evening routines, then that is what our lives will reveal – not God’s holiness.

Isaiah 65:1-16

  • The Christian woman does not view herself as a “super-Christian”, nor does she allow anyone else to treat her as such.
o   In our service to others, us women must remember that there is nothing that we can do of our own power that can make us holy.  It is only by Christ’s power within us to do the Will of God that makes us holy.

Jeremiah 2:1-37 

  • The Christian woman faces the consequences of her actions with grace and dignity.  She does not attempt to hide from God when she has made a mistake.  She does not alter the truth or even lie to cover up her mistakes. 
o   In our service to others, us women will do well to remember what Paul says in Romans 14, that as far as it is possible with us, we need to be at peace with others.  But this does not mean that we are to say what others want us to say, or do what others want us to do.  We must speak the truth as it has been revealed to us… as we perceive it.

Matthew 6:1-34 

  • The Christian woman is consistent in her relationship with God.  She does not embellish her prayers when she is in a group, nor does she diminish her prayers when she is alone.  Her prayers are “real” and are effective.

o   In our service to others, us women can’t allow Facebook, blogs, emails or any other social media to give us reason to flaunt our faith publicly, at the expense of others.  We are far better off concealing it in a public arena, because faith in action must be the driving force in all areas of our life.  If we can’t be “real” in these places, we have no business participating in them.

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Psalm 19:14 "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer." ~ NIV