Sunday, September 29, 2013

She Is Honest

Honesty before God is essential for the emancipation of woman,
who must be careful not to make unnecessary excuses or justifications for her actions.

According to Thompson’s Chain Reference

·         Paraphrase of Thompson’s commentary.
o   Personal observations of how this applies to the Christian woman today.

Proverbs 15:1-33 

  • The Christian woman is willing to surrender ALL to the LORD.
o   In our service to others, us women must keep things in their proper perspective. There is nothing in this world that God cannot take away from us.  The only real sure thing we have is salvation.  Our hope in anything else puts us at risk for dangerous consequences.

Jeremiah 20:7-18 

  • The Christian woman does not hesitate.  During times of persecution, she implores God for deliverance and justice.  During times of blessing, she shouts her praises on the highest hilltops. 
o   In our service to others, us women must recgonize that God rains down His justice on both the good and the bad.  Nothing about being a child of God prevents us from suffering or prospering… it has everything to do with God’s eternal purpose.

Matthew12: 22-37 

  • The Christian woman does not stir up dissensions within her own home, or outside the home with others.  She knows that doing so only hurts everyone involved.
    • In our service to others, us women shouldn’t give off the indication that we’re out for blood or picking a fight.  In our attempt to reveal the truth, we need to do so lovingly and mercifully.

Matthew 22:15-22

  • The Christian woman is just.  She daily uses skills of observation, suspicion and deduction to investigate anything and everything that could be a hinderance.
o   In our service to others, us women cannot afford to be gullible and subject ourselves to others’ manipulations simply to keep the peace.  However, we also need to be able to show the proper respect, and know where to draw the line between respect and idolization.


  • The Christian woman is discerning.  She is able to confront any issue, no matter how obvious or covert, regardless of what it is or who is involved.
o   In our service to others, us women cannot allow status to prevent us from speaking the truth – be it about family, friends, strangers or the dead.  Truth is the only right way.

Luke 6: 1-11

  • The Christian woman is not afraid to “call it the way she sees it”.  If there is a need for change, she confronts it regardless of the opposition.
o   In our service to others, us women need to be aware that this can become a real source of contention for us.  If we don’t speak up, we may “feel” guilty later.  If we do speak up, we may still “feel” guilty.  We cannot allow our “feelings” to guide us in this area.  We must allow the “Spirit” to guide us.

Luke 16: 1-15

  • The Christian woman recognizes that both Christians and Unbelievers will observe her actions in regard to wealth and success.  She will prove to the Christians that she is diligent in the work God has given her to do, and she will prove to the Unbelievers that she is merciful to others in need.
o   In our service to others, us women should not be seeking approval from our “fellow man”.  We need to be doing our ALL for God.  This means we should not allow ourselves to be swayed by others to conform to their wishes for our life.  We must do what we believe God wants us to do, then proceed, and not look back.

John 2: 12-25 

  • The Christian woman is zealous about the work God has called her to.  She realizes that because of this, her fellow Christians will judge her the harshest.  But she will not allow herself to be distracted by anything or anyone, because she answers only to God.
o   In our service to others, us women should be prepared to build a “wall” around our hearts, our minds and our lives, which includes building that wall around our husbands and our children, in order for us to fulfill God’s will for our lives.

Acts 15: 1-21 

  • The Christian woman’s lifestyle confirms the truth about Christianity:  That salvation is obtained through faith in Christ Jesus alone.  Though she recognizes many rituals that “symbolize” the truths of the Law of God and the message of the Gospel, she knows her faith is not dependent upon them, that her faith is not lacking without them, and though her faith may be enhanced by practicing them, they do not replace her faith in Christ Jesus, for she knows her faith is made whole by the power of the Holy Spirit, Who guides her into all truth, thus eliminating any excuse for ignorance of the truth. 

o   In our service to others, us women must show that all of God’s creation is perfect for learning more about Him, thereby perfect for use in worshiping Him, so that our children will know that they are not worshiping idols, but that there is a time for analogies and a time for facts.

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Psalm 19:14 "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer." ~ NIV