Thursday, August 29, 2013

She Is Charitable

Loving our neighbors is how emancipation of woman is clearly evident to all.
According to Thompson’s Chain Reference

·         Paraphrase of Thompson’s commentary.
o   Personal observations of how this applies to the Christian woman today.

Romans 2:1-16

  • The Christian woman is not resentful of the surmounting need that surrounds her, that daily clamors for her attention, which would sap her strength and still, ask for more.
o   In our service to others, us women need to be watchful of when we become overwhelmed by all of our responsibilities that no one else can accomplish, and  to purposefully be joyful that God has called us to these tasks, and thereby receive renewed strength from God.


Romans 14: 1-23

  • The Christian woman does not scoff at the shallow minded, nor does she mock the philosophically minded.  She recognizes that all God’s children walk along the same path, but may experience the journey differently in many varied ways.  She seeks the lessons both perspectives can provide.
o    In our service to others, us women need to be careful not to show our disgust toward those who cannot discern what we can, and we shouldn’t be envious of those who are of greater intellect than ourselves.  We need to recognize that God can use both to teach us.

1 Corinthians 4:1-21

  • The Christian woman doesn’t read into matters what is not there.  She examines the black and white facts of the matter, and if there are any gray areas, she studies, researches and investigates the matter until she has a clear understanding of the matter, according to God’s Will.
o   In our service to others, us women cannot make an analysis based on the comments of others alone.  We must dig deeper for the source of their information.  If they are not willing to divulge that information, then we cannot go any further.  To continue would be unfair to all involved.

James 4: 1

  • The Christian woman is not quarrelsome.  She is not a disturber of the peace.  She is not malicious, vindictive or spiteful.  She does not manipulate circumstances to her advantage.  She is not presumptuous in her thinking.
    • In our service to others, us women must not allow ourselves to be drawn into a debate to make our point, but rather agree to disagree to keep the peace.  We cannot allow the ways of others to disgust us; rather we must show respect.  We should not try to coerce someone to do something for us that we can’t do ourselves, and we shouldn’t be so naïve as to think that others believe the way we do. 

Proverbs 11:1-31 

  • The Christian woman is always looking for whatever she has available to share, because she gives freely with all her heart, without any strings attached. 
o   In our service to others, us women need to remember that the greatest gift we can offer is our heart, knowing that as long as our motives remain pure, God will bless our efforts, regardless of what anyone else says, thinks or does.

Proverbs 21:1-31 

  • The Christian woman can always find a way to help others, even if she has nothing to give, she can still pray for those in need.
o   In our service to others, us women need to remember how God has comforted us in our darkest hours, and that He has enabled us to be a comfort to others in their hour of need – even if that comfort can only come through prayer over the situation.

Proverbs 28:1-28 

  • The Christian woman trusts that whatever she chooses to share and however she chooses to give it, the Lord replenishes her stores.
o   In our service to others, us women must purposefully experience the Joy of the Lord when we give of ourselves to help another through their difficulties.  Through no effort of our own, we will find our energy restored, be granted more time, discover extra money… whatever the need, the Lord will bless our generosity.

Ecclesiastes 5: 8-20

  • The Christian woman does not hoard her possessions and find herself with a hardened heart, nor does she squander her earnings and find herself with a grieving heart.
o   In our service to others, us women do not want to be selfish and withhold oursleves from our family, nor do we want to be so careless as to expend our resources toward an insincere cause.

Isaiah 43:14-28 

  • The Christian woman does not wait for God to force from her hands what He wants to use from her life to help others.
o   In our service to others, us women must remember that our life is not our own, nor do we have any right to hold onto family.  They are gifts to us that require our stewardship.  When our job is finished, we must be willing to give them back to God.

Malachi 3:7

  • The Christian woman does not spend her earnings selfishly on herself.

o   In our service to others, we need to recognize that the blessings we receive from God may not simply be for us alone, but to pass on to another in need.

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Psalm 19:14 "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer." ~ NIV